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Date: 13 Jul, 2017

Anholt as a Danish gin mecca


Læsø is known for its southern salt, and Samsø is associated with potatoes. Now a couple of enthusiasts are setting out to make Anholt Denmark's mecca for gin lovers.

It was the presence of juniper berries in the desert on Anholt that gave Aarhus musician Thøger Dixgaard the idea to start a gin production on Anholt. Together with his friend Jacob Kjærgaard, who lives on Anholt, the ambition is to make a pure and good gin. "A gin that tastes so good that no one would dare to mix it with tonic", Thøger Dixgaard has previously stated.

Anholt gin is produced and bottled at Nordisk Brænderi, which is most of all known for producing world-class quality products.

There will be plenty of opportunity to taste the goods while on Anholt. Jacob Kjærgaard has set up a large, dedicated gin bar in the former ice cream shop.